How it works

Resolution: Kindness is about facilitating a movement for kindness in any community. To do this, we believe it must begin with the three pillars of culture in a city: schools, businesses, and government.

We start with schools and work with both school districts or individual schools in the area of Social-Emotional Learning. Resolution: Kindness focuses on five specific actions: smile, listen, encourage, help, and say thank you. It may sound simple, but we believe these are actions that every person can do. When working with students, we use right brain learning to teach personal character and personal responsibility centered around these five actions. Once students gain an understanding of the importance of personal character, we challenge them to work toward cultural change in their school to be one that values and expresses kindness. RK strategically facilitates the development of student leaders, while challenging and equipping them to step out and lead a movement of kindness within their schools.

As we are working with students, we also offer materials and training for those teachers that want to take this character based learning into their classroom to support the leadership development of their students. RK also provides the opportunity for parents to learn and understand the same materials and character traits as their students, which has the potential to multiply the impact. The approach we take with students, teachers, and parents has been shown to reduce bullying, increase the confidence of students to lead, and improve critical thinking skills.

For Resolution: Kindness to become a movement in a city, it must be supported outside the classroom. At this point, we approach city leaders, as their visible and verbal support produces momentum towards the return of value and respect to the cultural conversation. As the kindness movement begins to spread, businesses are approached to partner with Resolution: Kindness in supporting this movement in their city. Through their partnership, companies are invited to support kindness projects in both the schools and the city. As businesses show their support, a community movement takes hold.

Imagine, a student learns about the value of kindness and their responsibility in making it happen. That student goes to a store in their neighborhood and sees the same values supported through a poster or sticker on the front window and the actions of the employees. As they walk home, a police car drives by, and on that car, there is a sticker showing support for kindness. The student begins to understand that what they are developing in their school is part of something bigger that is happening in their community.

Throughout the process of growing this movement, individuals are encouraged to state their support for kindness in their city. Faith communities and community organizations are asked to be involved by encouraging their members to not only show their support for kindness but to also volunteer for the various Kindness Days and other strategic events. We have discovered the more individuals who post their support for kindness on our website, the more businesses throw their support behind the movement.

Thank you for joining the movement.