
As a business, we want to invite you to make a big and lasting impact in your community and with your customers by becoming a Resolution: Kindness partner. If you register with us, we will list your business on this site as a partner. 

What we would ask of a Resolution: Kindness partner is to continue what you are doing. Show your involvement by letting the five parts of this resolution (smile, listen, encourage, help, say thank you) impact how you interact with your customers.

Make your involvement known by placing a Resolution: Kindness window decal by your front door. If you are able and willing, put up posters where they will be seen and encourage your customers to join you in this movement.

As a Kindness Partner, we will let you know of different kindness events taking place in your area and give you opportunity to be involved. Your involvement in these events is great exposure in your community and it lets people know what you value.

Thank you for your involvement!


become a partner!

Please complete the form below to be listed as a supporter, then follow the link to get the gear! Schools, We’d love for you to join us, so please fill out the form here.

Resolution Kindness Sticker Mockup Slide-01.jpg

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